
Current positions in United Kingdom

Differentiated. Delineated. Dedicated

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Business Development Manager

United Kingdom

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SEO Content Writer

United Kingdom

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Key Account Manager

United Kingdom

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Top reasons to work at Ingic

Monthly Adventures

We work...have fun..work ...have fun, that how we get going and keep our creative juices flowing!

Idea Sharing

Every employee gives their input in brainstorming and idea-sharing sessions at INGIC.

Constant Learning

INGIC arranges monthly training sessions by industry recognized trainers for its employees

We are a great place to work

Deep linking is essential - not just when drawing data-driven insights, but also within a team, the work and the company as a whole. We have a deep-linked and connected atmosphere aimed at fostering and creating an environment of collaboration, coordination and communication.

We're changing the world using technology. And we need you!!! We believe that using advanced technology and team work, we can change the way of doing businesses.

Loved and trusted by the industry leaders